Your Brain Activity: How to Stay Mentally Sharp in Retirement

  Stay Mentally Sharp in Retirement The role of mental health and longevity is well documented. Just as we need to exercise our bodies to protect cardiovascular and bone health, working out our brains is essential to preserving our mental, social, and emotional health. Mental Stimulation and Combating Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s disease is very common today. It’s characterized by mild memory loss in the early stages and can progress to include

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Senior Move Managers Make Moving to Assisted Living Easier

Assisted Living Transition Transitioning loved ones is a time consuming, labor intensive, and often emotionally draining process for everyone involved.  The senior is often apprehensive and resistant, while the children or caretakers are often tasked with coordinating all the details.  But what if you had a team of experts to take care of the logistics?  In this article, we’ll discuss how and why Senior Move Managers® and logistics professionals can simplify the process and make it less stressful for all involved. When it’s time to move, seniors are faced with unique challenges.  Depending upon their health, they may need help downsizing, packing, organizing, and figuring out what should be moved to the next place and what needs to be re-purposed elsewhere.  Senior Move Managers® and logistics professionals assist seniors and their families with the entire relocation process.   The National Association of Senior Move Managers® is the leading membership organization and serves as a great resource to locate these logistics professionals.  In addition, all members must meet strict vetting requirements before approval. The following services provide an overview of how a logistic professional can help: Organizing, sorting, downsizing – tedious tasks that require time, patience, and often emotion. By having someone

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  BayWoods purchased a yellow house adjacent to the North Tower Apartments because we were concerned that the previous owner wanting to build a high rise structure on the property.  This structure had the potential to impede the view of residents in the North Tower Apartments and would impose a negative effect on our property values.  After many months of work, BayWoods has secured the proper permits and approval from the MD Department of Environment, City of Annapolis, planning and zoning office, and the Annapolis Port Warden to replace the existing house with an outdoor deck overlooking the Chesapeake Bay.  We are replacing the revetment and the new deck will be cantilevered out over the Chesapeake Bay. The new deck will be ADA compliant with full access for wheelchairs and other handicapped devices for the residents of our community to enjoy.  Our senior population really enjoys views of the Bay from our waterfront property and will now be able to spend time out there with family and friends. This new deck will be designed with the seniors in mind, featuring steel beams and an Epée wood surface, with a full trellis over top.

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J Turner Research just announced that BayWoods of Annapolis was in the top 1% of properties with the best online reputation in the nation. Therefore, we received the Elite 1% ORA Power Ranking award. Thank you to all our wonderful residents and employees for helping to make this happen!

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