BayWoods purchased a yellow house adjacent to the North Tower Apartments because we were concerned that the previous owner wanting to build a high rise structure on the property.  This structure had the potential to impede the view of residents in the North Tower Apartments and would impose a negative effect on our property values.  After many months of work, BayWoods has secured the proper permits and approval from the MD Department of Environment, City of Annapolis, planning and zoning office, and the Annapolis Port Warden to replace the existing house with an outdoor deck overlooking the Chesapeake Bay.  We are replacing the revetment and the new deck will be cantilevered out over the Chesapeake Bay. The new deck will be ADA compliant with full access for wheelchairs and other handicapped devices for the residents of our community to enjoy.  Our senior population really enjoys views of the Bay from our waterfront property and will now be able to spend time out there with family and friends. This new deck will be designed with the seniors in mind, featuring steel beams and an Epée wood surface, with a full trellis over top.