Does Your Estate Plan Include These 4 Things?

Estate Planning Mistakenly, many people believe that an estate plan is only necessary if you are in your senior years or have considerable wealth.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  There are many legal strategies involved in estate planning, and unfortunately, not all of us will live to be 100.  But, did you know that in the state of Maryland, without a viable legal estate plan, the State will

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3 Tips for Living in The Sandwich Generation

Sandwich Generation If you are between the ages of 40-59, you are likely feeling the push and pull of the so-called Sandwich Generation.  What is the Sandwich Generation?  It’s when you are caring for aging parents, trying to launch children, and potentially provide care for grandchildren; needless to say, it can be stressful.  Splitting your time and energy between the kids and the parents is no easy task but if you’re working full-time, it’s almost impossible without help.  Here are some tips to help you take control of the situation. Self-Care is Important Take a breather. Along with all the other priorities, you are balancing, take the time to do something that brings you joy and relaxation. Your health and nutrition should not suffer because of everyone else’s needs. Be sure to keep up with your own doctor’s appointments and eat well.  After all, who will be there to care for them if something happens to you? Get rid of the guilt! Anything and everything you are doing for both your parents and your kids can be a thankless job.  But, do the best you can and don’t feel guilty about what you can’t do. Signs Your Parent Needs More

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