Does Your Estate Plan Include These 4 Things?

Estate Planning Mistakenly, many people believe that an estate plan is only necessary if you are in your senior years or have considerable wealth.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  There are many legal strategies involved in estate planning, and unfortunately, not all of us will live to be 100.  But, did you know that in the state of Maryland, without a viable legal estate plan, the State will

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Is Your Retirement Community Pet-Friendly?

Pet Friendly Retirement Community Pets can bring so much joy and help relieve anxiety and stress.  In this article, we’ll review how to make sure your retirement community is well-aligned with the needs of you and your pet. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that pets can be comforting companions, particularly as we grow older.   Walking a dog can provide great exercise, loving companionship, and help provide purpose.  So, you may wonder why a retirement community would have policies against pets?  As it turns out, there are some very valid things to consider, on both sides of the proverbial fence. One of the top priorities with a senior bringing a beloved pet to any community is to ensure that both the senior and their pets’ well-being is taken into consideration.  While pets can provide an array of benefits to their human parents, unfortunately, they can also present some challenges.  Seniors may not be able to continue to remember to properly medicate or feed their pets.  As the animal gets older, the pet may require special care or costly medications.  Getting them to a veterinarian for routine care may also be a challenge.  Furthermore, if you begin to experience

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