Your Brain Activity: How to Stay Mentally Sharp in Retirement

  Stay Mentally Sharp in Retirement The role of mental health and longevity is well documented. Just as we need to exercise our bodies to protect cardiovascular and bone health, working out our brains is essential to preserving our mental, social, and emotional health. Mental Stimulation and Combating Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s disease is very common today. It’s characterized by mild memory loss in the early stages and can progress to include

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From Farm to Table: Nutrition Tips for Retirees

Nutrition Tips For Retirees Good nutrition is essential in our seniors to maintain an active, healthy fulfilling lifestyle. Our nutrition needs change as we age – and we often need less food overall, so making our choices nutrient-dense is vital to achieving a well-balanced diet. Follow these tips to maximize your nutrition. Why Is Good Nutrition Important? In our retirement years, our most important job is safeguarding our health. Calcium keeps our bones strong, while Omega 3s protect brain and cardiovascular health. To maintain a well-balanced diet, try following the Mediterranean Diet: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, focusing on leafy greens; get protein from fish, legumes, and lean sources of meat like chicken; eat whole grains like wheat, spelt, and brown rice; make fats healthy, like those found in avocado, olive oil, and salmon. Enjoy treats in moderation. Following this diet is good for your heart, brain, and bones. Specialized Meal Preparation Our diet needs evolve as our health changes, requiring specialized diets. If you have special dietary needs, from low sodium to diabetic friendly, talk to a member of our kitchen staff. BayWoods of Annapolis has experience in following special dietary requirements for our residents. Watch Your Sodium

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Waterfront Retirement Living Provides Unique Lifestyle Opportunities

Waterfront Retirement Living While retiring to a golf course community may intrigue some, others prefer the views and activities associated with waterfront living.  In this article, we’ll highlight some of the popular activities available to those who choose waterfront retirement living. Whether you’ve lived in Maryland all of your life, or are venturing into new territories, Annapolis has consistently been ranked, year after year, as one of the nation’s “most charming small towns.”  Baywoods of Annapolis is a unique retirement community that provides easy access to Annapolis and all of its charms, along with a waterfront community that captures the beauty of the Chesapeake Bay. Baywoods of Annapolis offers a truly unique retirement living experience.  On Wednesday evenings, you can take a leisurely walk out to the boardwalk and pier and catch a glimpse of the infamous Wednesday night sailboat races, hosted by the Annapolis Yacht Club.  Up to 150 crews typically compete in the races and they mean business!  It’s fun to watch and a great way to spend Wednesday’s during the summer! Other waterfront activities include: Visit and tour the historic Naval Academy. Take a cruise out of the Annapolis Harbor to visit another local waterfront favorite, the

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Planning for Retirement Living – Where? How Much? How Long?

Retirement Living Planning We all know that planning for retirement, meeting with a financial planner, and understanding the expenses associated with retirement are important to ensure your lifestyle is all you hope for, during retirement.  In this article, Retirement Living Planning, we reveal the five things you should evaluate to make sure that your living arrangements meet all of your expectations. How Long Will You Live? While no one can answer this question for a certainty, the probability and statistics show that we are all living longer lives.  For example, if you saved $5 Million for retirement and only needed it for 5 years, your lifestyle would be very different than if you had to stretch that money to accommodate 25-35 more years.  So, it’s important to plan wisely for income and expenses that can support a longer life span. What Does Retirement Look Like For You? Have you saved up enough money to have the lifestyle you desire, in retirement?  Will you be able to retire early, or will you need to wait it out?  Will you be able to live and play on a golf course day in and day out, or will you need to consider some

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How Can I Help My Family Member Through Short-Term Rehab

When your parent/family member has a set back from an injury or illness that limits their ability to complete their everyday task a physician in a hospital may recommend short-term rehabilitation.  Be supportive and positive about the initiative. What once was easy to do on a daily basis now seems almost impossible. There is often a looming fear that this current disability is now more long term.  Here’s how to keep things in perspective and encourage your loved ones throughout the rehabilitation process. Keep a Positive AttitudeThe glass is half full, the rehab goals are obtainable and they are reasonable.  The process made is dependent on how much effort is put in to reach the goals set by the therapy team.  Your loved ones may look to your reaction to guide their own.  Stay positive and maintain a good attitude throughout the process.  It increases the likelihood that they’ll follow suit.  Provide constant encouragement to your parent or family member and remain as involved as possible.  Keep stressing the end result. Get InvolvedIf possible, talk to your loved ones/parents physical, speech, or occupational therapists after each session.  Know the plan of care for your loved one’s program.  What are the

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3 Tips for Living in The Sandwich Generation

Sandwich Generation If you are between the ages of 40-59, you are likely feeling the push and pull of the so-called Sandwich Generation. What is the Sandwich Generation?  It’s when you are caring for aging parents, trying to launch children, and potentially provide care for grandchildren; needless to say, it can be stressful. Splitting your time and energy between the kids and the parents is no easy task but if you’re working full-time, it’s almost impossible without help.  Here are some tips to help you take control of the situation. Self-Care is Important Take a breather. Along with all the other priorities, you are balancing, take the time to do something that brings you joy and relaxation. Your health and nutrition should not suffer because of everyone else’s needs. Be sure to keep up with your own doctor’s appointments and eat well.  After all, who will be there to care for them if something happens to you? Get rid of the guilt! Anything and everything you are doing for both your parents and your kids can be a thankless job.  But, do the best you can and don’t feel guilty about what you can’t do. Signs Your Parent Needs More

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Life Enrichment Programs Integrate Retirees into Their Community

Life Enrichment Programs Regardless of your stage in life, we all  want to feel personally connected.            In this article, we discuss the value of life enrichment programs and what you can do to ensure you’re getting all that you desire! Life enrichment programs are often designed to engage, connect and create personal relationships among residents.  This process is much more than just an activity calendar.  The goal is to integrate and transition into the new community and lifestyle.  By being socially active and involved in the community, many residents live full, balanced lives that provide diversity and a rewarding lifestyle. Some of the activities offered at Baywoods of Annapolis include: Art Openings Ballet, Opera & Musical Matinees Bingo! Full Moon Parties on the Waterfront In-House Shopping Monthly Lecture Series Movie Nights Pot Luck Dinners Putting Challenges Sunday Brunch Visiting Performing Artists And so much more! Baywoods of Annapolis is conveniently located on the waterfront and near downtown Annapolis, which is also a mecca of culture and waterfront activities.  This prime location allows us to offer a wide variety of on-site or local events that appeal to every whim. One of the biggest advantages to living

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Why Onsite Health Care Services are Crucial for Retirement Communities

Onsite Health Care Services When you are choosing a continuing care retirement community, it’s usually based on the idea that you’re currently able to live independently. Most people know that situation may change later, and want to make sure that if the need arises that there is a full compliment of services available to help them. Retirement communities come in many varieties, but one of the major factors that should influence your decision in choosing one is the availability of onsite health care services. At BayWoods of Annapolis, we provide short-term rehabilitation services, traditional skilled nursing care as well as assisted living care. We are able to support those living Independently by offering many support services here on site. That means no unnecessary shuttling back and forth from health care facilities. If you have any questions about the onsite care offered at BayWoods of Annapolis, feel free to contact us as a resource for your needs. Once you move to a retirement community, your health care requirements may change down the road. BayWoods of Annapolis works to provide peace of mind for our residents. You can enjoy the independence of your own living space knowing that onsite medical services are

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Why Annapolis Is a Great Place to Retire

Retire In Annapolis Are you ready to enjoy retirement?  Are you thinking about moving to an active adult community?  Would you love to include a waterfront lifestyle into your retirement living options?  When it’s time to retire, there are a variety of factors that can influence the decision on where to do so.  In this article, we’ll discuss a hidden gem in Annapolis, Maryland that offers the best of everything for your retirement living options. Waterfront Lifestyle Although many people think of ‘going south’ when it comes to retirement, you may not have to go any further south than the Mason-Dixon line!  As a matter of fact, there are some really great reasons to retire in Maryland!  In Annapolis, Maryland, Baywoods of Annapolis offers one of the few retirement communities overlooking the magnificent Chesapeake Bay.  The Baywoods dock provides a bird’s eye view to watch the famous Wednesday night sailboat races and enjoy warm Bay breezes.   Hop into the downtown area to enjoy world-famous seafood, including famous Maryland crab cakes, at one of the many waterfront restaurants. Arts & Culture Annapolis has a love of the arts!  The Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts features events throughout the year while

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Best Ways to Protect Seniors From Fraud & Identity Theft

Senior Risks Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States.  Although anyone can be a target, many seniors are at a higher risk for fraud schemes and identity theft.  While technology and social factors contribute to the reasons for this trend, it’s also important to realize that many seniors have accumulated a certain amount of wealth, making them a primary target for criminals. For this reason, Baywoods of Annapolis has compiled a list of 4 ways you can lower your risk for identity theft and fraud schemes. Identity Protection Services – This is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself or your loved ones from identity theft. These services monitor credit bureaus, personal information, the internet, and a variety of other platforms to help ensure your identity is protected.  According to NextAdvisor, the top 3 are: IdentityGuard Experian Lifelock Phone & Door-to-Door Scams – Two of the most common scams targeting seniors are from unwanted callers or salespeople going door-to-door. There are two quick and easy ways to avoid these scams: Never provide someone who called you with your personal information. If they represent they are with the bank of credit card company, hang

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How Families Can Prepare for Senior Care

Senior Care Preparation According to the AARP, “Today, 30 million households are providing care for an adult over the age of 50—and that number is expected to double over the next 25 years.”  Those 30 million caregivers are often still balancing their own life, their children’s lives, and sometimes even grandchildren.  But, a little preparation goes a long way.  So, we’ve compiled 4 things you need to do to develop a care-giving plan for your loved ones. Start a conversation. It’s never too late to start the conversation about a care-giving plan, but many families wait until a crisis occurs.  At this point, the options may be more limited or decisions rushed due to the circumstances.  So, it’s important to start the conversation sooner rather than later. Identify the team of resources. Family, friends, neighbors, religious organizations, and community support centers can all play a role in the care-giving process.  Understand who is available and what types of support they can provide.  By splitting up the responsibilities, the tasks won’t seem as overwhelming.  Establish a team leader and talk through the responsibilities with all family members, including the person who will be receiving the care.  Try to get everyone on

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