Why Retirement Communities Extend Lives Over Living Alone

Retirement Community Living As humans, we are naturally social creatures.  As we grow older, the opportunities to socialize may be inhibited by health, mobility, and other factors.  Let’s explore how retirement communities enhance social environments and potentially extend life expectancy. Unlike the nursing home that your grandmother went to, today’s retirement communities have been reinvented to provide a wide range of activities, services, and amenities.   Still, many people have the

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From Farm to Table: Nutrition Tips for Retirees

Nutrition Tips For Retirees Good nutrition is essential in our seniors to maintain an active, healthy fulfilling lifestyle. Our nutrition needs change as we age – and we often need less food overall, so making our choices nutrient-dense is vital to achieving a well-balanced diet. Follow these tips to maximize your nutrition. Why Is Good Nutrition Important? In our retirement years, our most important job is safeguarding our health. Calcium keeps our bones strong, while Omega 3s protect brain and cardiovascular health. To maintain a well-balanced diet, try following the Mediterranean Diet: Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, focusing on leafy greens; get protein from fish, legumes, and lean sources of meat like chicken; eat whole grains like wheat, spelt, and brown rice; make fats healthy, like those found in avocado, olive oil, and salmon. Enjoy treats in moderation. Following this diet is good for your heart, brain, and bones. Specialized Meal Preparation Our diet needs evolve as our health changes, requiring specialized diets. If you have special dietary needs, from low sodium to diabetic friendly, talk to a member of our kitchen staff. BayWoods of Annapolis has experience in following special dietary requirements for our residents. Watch Your Sodium

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Two Things to Consider for Your Parents Continuing Care Retirement Community Move

Continuing Care Retirement Community We all want what’s best for our loved ones. At some point, we realize that our parents or loved ones cannot live as well or as safely independently like they used to. When everyday activities become difficult, a move to a continuing care retirement community will help a retiree thrive. Here are some helpful suggestions to consider before you tour a senior community. Is this a Financially Feasible Option? The first thing to consider is whether moving to a senior living community makes financial sense for your loved one. Is their current living situation safe for them, then consider is the house upkeep draining their finances. Many seniors have to get help or contract with services outside of the home to keep their property up.  Sit down with your parents and determine what they are spending on a monthly basis to keep their home going. Real Estate taxes, school taxes etc. Ask them to calculate the amount they receive from all retirement accounts and Social Security payments. Once you have an idea about what they currently spend on a monthly basis, then look at what they can afford. At this point the process becomes easier. A

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Comparing the Different Types of Retirement Communities

Retirement Community Types At BayWoods of Annapolis, we want seniors to make informed decisions about their retirements, so we’ve created a quick comparison of the different types of retirement communities that you’re likely to encounter. If you have any questions about the costs of living at BayWoods of Annapolis, feel free to get in touch with our staff. Insurance Model or Life Care Community The design of a Life care model or Insurance model community usually has monthly fees associated in Independent Living that would follow them throughout their life. No matter what level of care they received. Most Life care communities require larger up-front fees, then monthly payments that are contingent on your  health status for the duration of care and service. The larger entry fee covers the cost of future care requirements. Fee-for-Service This is the most straightforward model, a fee-for-service plan, requires you to pay for only those services that you use or need. This works best for most people because they are not paying high costs for services that they may never need or utilize. Their monthly payments are usually required a little higher but entrance fees are lower. These communities are very popular and practical

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4 Things Seniors Need to Know About Medicare

Senior Medicare Knowledge Medicare is for people age 65 and older and those who have special conditions or disabilities.  Applying for Medicare can be an intimidating, complicated, and confusing process.  So, in this article, Baywoods of Annapolis provides 4 things you should know about Medicare!   Tip #1: Signing Up There are only certain periods when you can enroll in Medicare, and these are subject to change.  At the time of this writing, you must enroll in the time period 3 months before your 65th birthday to 3 months after your 65th birthday.  Failure to do so may subject you to certain penalties and even a gap in coverage, so be sure to check the official website well before your 65th birthday and plan accordingly.  Each member of your family must enroll in Medicare.   Tip #2:  After 65, Medicare is Your Primary Insurer Regardless of whether you have another insurance provider, (such as retiree health insurance, individual insurance, or COBRA insurance,) after you turn 65, Medicare is considered your primary insurer…even if you haven’t applied!  So, be sure to follow guidelines in Tip 1 and sign up as soon as you are eligible.   Tip #3:  Understanding the

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Senior Move Managers Make Moving to Assisted Living Easier

Assisted Living Transition Transitioning loved ones is a time consuming, labor intensive, and often emotionally draining process for everyone involved.  The senior is often apprehensive and resistant, while the children or caretakers are often tasked with coordinating all the details.  But what if you had a team of experts to take care of the logistics?  In this article, we’ll discuss how and why Senior Move Managers® and logistics professionals can simplify the process and make it less stressful for all involved. When it’s time to move, seniors are faced with unique challenges.  Depending upon their health, they may need help downsizing, packing, organizing, and figuring out what should be moved to the next place and what needs to be re-purposed elsewhere.  Senior Move Managers® and logistics professionals assist seniors and their families with the entire relocation process.   The National Association of Senior Move Managers® is the leading membership organization and serves as a great resource to locate these logistics professionals.  In addition, all members must meet strict vetting requirements before approval. The following services provide an overview of how a logistic professional can help: Organizing, sorting, downsizing – tedious tasks that require time, patience, and often emotion. By having someone

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  BayWoods purchased a yellow house adjacent to the North Tower Apartments because we were concerned that the previous owner wanting to build a high rise structure on the property.  This structure had the potential to impede the view of residents in the North Tower Apartments and would impose a negative effect on our property values.  After many months of work, BayWoods has secured the proper permits and approval from the MD Department of Environment, City of Annapolis, planning and zoning office, and the Annapolis Port Warden to replace the existing house with an outdoor deck overlooking the Chesapeake Bay.  We are replacing the revetment and the new deck will be cantilevered out over the Chesapeake Bay. The new deck will be ADA compliant with full access for wheelchairs and other handicapped devices for the residents of our community to enjoy.  Our senior population really enjoys views of the Bay from our waterfront property and will now be able to spend time out there with family and friends. This new deck will be designed with the seniors in mind, featuring steel beams and an Epée wood surface, with a full trellis over top.

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J Turner Research just announced that BayWoods of Annapolis was in the top 1% of properties with the best online reputation in the nation. Therefore, we received the Elite 1% ORA Power Ranking award. Thank you to all our wonderful residents and employees for helping to make this happen!

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Finding The Right Career After Retirement

Retirement Careers After retirement, many of us dream of days filled with a life of nothing but leisure.  But, for many retirees, that can lead to boredom.  In this article, we will review some of the most common post-retirement careers and volunteer opportunities that provide joy and pleasure, while keeping retirees engaged and active. Back to School Many retirees seek opportunities to engage with younger generations through mentoring, volunteering, and other activities.  According to Professor Andrew Carle, Director of the Program in Assisted Living/Senior Housing Administration at George Mason University, “Today’s retirees…want three things.  They want active, they want intellectually stimulating, and they want inter-generational environments.”  Colleges are a great place for retirees to find volunteer or career opportunities and engage with the younger generations.  Many retirees especially enjoy being adjunct professors, but there are a host of opportunities available so check with a nearby college to find out what looks like the right fit for you! Project Based Consultant Many companies need experience, guidance or just someone to help get them through a transition.  A consultant opportunity can be a great fit for a retiree with decades of work experience in a specific field.  The pay is typically good

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Does Your Retirement Community Provide On-Site Health Care?

On-Site Care When you enter a retirement community, you may be fit and healthy, but as you age, there may come a time when you require additional health services.  On-site health care is an important benefit providing convenience and peace of mind to you and your family.  Here are the top 3 reasons why it’s important to choose a retirement community that provides on site care. Providing a continuum of care is the foundation of a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) like Baywoods of Annapolis.  CCRC means that the community provides services for: Independent Living Assisted Living Skilled Nursing Care Why is this important? Limits your need to travel. For you, the retiree, it means that you will likely have most of your health care needs handled in the community in which you live.  This eliminates most the need for most residents to travel for: Doctor’s Appointments Wellness Visits Pharmacies Coordination of Services Comfort, Convenience, Friends. Imagine being transported to another facility where your spouse and friends cannot readily visit you during your treatment.  When you enter our short-term rehabilitation facility or assisted living facility, you’ll be within the same community, with the same friends, getting the care and support

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Why Retirement Communities Extend Lives Over Living Alone

Retirement Community Living As humans, we are naturally social creatures.  As we grow older, the opportunities to socialize may be inhibited by health, mobility, and other factors.  Let’s explore how retirement communities enhance social environments and potentially extend life expectancy. Unlike the nursing home that your grandmother went to, today’s retirement communities have been reinvented to provide a wide range of activities, services, and amenities.   Still, many people have the impression that moving to a retirement community will require them to give up their independence and therefore, many people postpone or resist the decision.  However, not only are today’s communities driven to help you maintain independence, the services offered on-site typically allow you to regain your independence much quicker, after an illness or accident.  But, the social factors of living in a retirement community cannot be overlooked.  Here are a few reasons why: Socialization. Socialization is important at every stage of our life.  As babies and toddlers, socialization helps us to develop communication skills and learn from those around us.  In our later years, socialization is just as important and even helps to maintain these skills.  In addition, opportunities to socialize help reduce loneliness, establish friendships, relate and interact with

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