Downsizing for Your Retirement Living Move

Retirement Downsizing

Making a move to an assisted living community is the first step in your retiree enjoying a more fulfilling, healthy lifestyle. However, it can be hard to for anyone to part with their possessions and downsize their belongings before moving into a smaller living space. Here’s how to help.

Take Stock of What You Have, and Prioritize
The first step of downsizing is taking an inventory of what your retiree already has. Spend a few days organizing and decluttering each room. Clear out all old mail, papers, and other unnecessary items before beginning the process. Empty each closet to determine the volume of possessions and get a sense of how much you need to get rid of. For an idea of space requirements at BayWoods of Annapolis, talk to us.

Once you have a clear idea of what you have, prioritize. Does your retiree have to take that tea set from a garage sale 10 years ago? Probably not. At the same time, don’t discount items of sentimental value, even if they seem silly to you. If someone is particularly attached to a memento of the past, keep it, even if it seems impractical. If your retiree is committed to more things than will fit in an apartment, consider renting a storage unit.

See It as an Opportunity
Encourage your retiree to see the downsizing and moving as a new opportunity to redecorate and put their own stamp on a new living space. Swap out moth-eaten curtains for new window treatments or buy fresh linens for a new bed. Once your retiree is enjoying his or her new space, they won’t mind downsizing as much. To further assist, let them tour one of our units so they can see just how much they’ll be able to bring with them and will provide them with a vision for their new décor

BayWoods residents love the feeling of independence they get from decorating and customizing their new living spaces. For more information on our cooperative living environment, please contact us.